ピジョンアデノウイルス (PiADV) 核酸検出キット


送料USD 45 - 米ドル以上は無料 300

DTE は、分子検査のオンライン販売に特化した中国に拠点を置く電子商取引プラットフォームです, エリサ, および関連製品.

  • メーカー: 中国の一流ブランド
  • 配送: 工場から直接FedExで迅速に発送
  • 以内であれば返品または交換が可能です 30 日々
  • お支払い方法: 安全な PayPal またはクレジット カード.


商品番号AP2308005 仕様24T/48T ストレージ:-20℃


  • ピジョンアデノウイルス (PiADV) is a common and highly contagious adenovirus that infects birds such as pigeons and parrots, serving as the causative agent of acute infectious diseases, including squab adenitis.
  • This virus is highly transmissible, capable of vertical transmission through egg laying, as well as horizontal transmission through direct or indirect contact.
  • Currently, there are no specific antiviral drugs for PiADV, making early, rapid, and convenient detection of PiADV crucial for diagnosis, and treatment, slowing the spread of the disease, and preventing complications.
  • This detection kit is designed based on the conservative sequences in the PiADV genome, utilizing primers and probes.
  • Through system optimization, it enables precise fluorescence quantitative PCR testing of oral cloacal swabs, 血, and other tissue samples from birds.
  • This facilitates the rapid and accurate determination of PiADV infection in the host.


PiADV Premix Solution11.5µL/well× 8wells/strip× 3strips11.5µL/well× 8wells/strip× 6strips
PiADV Reaction Solution290μL575μL
PiADV Positive control100μL100μL


-20℃で保存, 保存期間は少なくとも 12 月.


  1. サンプルの準備 (サンプル準備エリア)

1.1 サンプル要件:

Oral and cloacal swabs: Take a sterile cotton swab, insert it into the bird’s throat or cloaca, rotate three times, place it in a centrifuge tube, cut the exposed part, tightly close the cap, and label it. Samples that can be tested promptly should be stored at 2-8°C within 24 時間, and samples that cannot be tested promptly should be stored at -20°C.

Whole blood: 抗凝固剤としてEDTAを使用する, avoid heparin anticoagulant, use fresh whole blood, or store at 2-8°C for no more than 7 日々, or store at -20°C for no more than 3 月, avoiding repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

– 組織: Take fresh muscle or organ tissue not exceeding 100mg, use 200-500μL sterile water to prepare tissue homogenate, and proceed with subsequent sample preparation.

1.2 サンプルの準備:

Refer to the SanshiBio Bio “動物ゲノム DNA 迅速抽出キット (PCR分析用)” manual (Catalog: DP202), or other nucleic acid extraction kits/methods that meet relevant requirements, for nucleic acid extraction of processed samples. Place the extracted sample nucleic acid in a cooler and test as soon as possible. Store at 4°C for no more than 7 days or at -20°C for no more than 6 月.

  1. Reaction System Preparation (Reaction Area)

2.1 Take out each component of the kit, completely thaw at room temperature, 遠心分離機用 10 秒, and centrifuge the liquid inside the tube wall and tube cap to the bottom of the tube. Prepare the reaction solution according to the sample quantity (n+2, where n is the number of samples, it is recommended to set up 1 positive control and 1 negative control for each experiment). Specific preparation method: 取る (n+2) reaction tubes containing PiADV premix solution, add 11.5µL of PiADV reaction solution to each tube, use a pipette to thoroughly mix, 23µL per well, and store in a cooler.

2.2 Then sequentially add 2μL of negative control, 抽出されたサンプル核酸, and PiADV positive control to the reaction solution. Close the tube cap, make a record, and the total volume of each reaction is 25μL. 十分に混ぜ合わせてください, 遠心分離機用 10 秒, and perform amplification experiments on the PCR instrument.

  1. PCR増幅 (増幅および生成物分析エリア)

Pre-denaturation at 95°C for 2 分; Denaturation at 95°C for 10 秒, annealing and extension at 60°C for 35 秒, 40 サイクル. Collect fluorescence signals at 60°C. Choose the FAM fluorescence channel (use real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR instruments such as ABI series, if necessary, contact the manufacturer or add ROX correction dye; さもないと, follow normal procedures).

  1. 結果の解釈

4.1 Conditions for Experiment Validity:

Positive control FAM channel Ct value < 28 そして “S”-整形された増幅曲線が観察される; negative control has no Ct value or Ct value ≥ 38 そしていいえ “S”-整形された増幅曲線, the experiment is valid. さもないと, repeat the experiment; if the repeat experiment is still invalid, contact the manufacturer’s technical personnel.

4.2 Interpretation of Sample Results:

Ct値≦ 33 そして “S”-shaped amplification curve indicate PiADV positive;

Ct value between 33 < CT < 38 is considered suspicious, and a retest is recommended. If the FAM channel retest Ct value is < 33 after excluding aerosol contamination and there is a clear amplification curve, it is considered PiADV positive, otherwise considered negative;

Ct値なし、またはCt値≧ 38 そしていいえ “S”-shaped amplification curve indicate PiADV negative.


  • 汚染を防ぐために, 実験は厳密に分割する必要があります, and physical isolation between partitions is preferred to avoid cross-contamination due to human factors. 実験中は白衣とラテックス手袋を着用してください, use tools independently in different areas, change gloves and lab coats when needed. After PCR, すぐに蓋を開けないでください; open it after sufficient cooling to minimize aerosol contamination.
  • 使用前に試薬を完全に解凍してください, but avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. The PCR reaction tubes provided in the kit are 0.2mL; if replacement is needed, transfer after complete thawing. Strictly follow the instructions for reagent preparation and sample addition. Workstations, 遠心分離機, ピペット, and other instruments should be disinfected regularly with chlorine-containing disinfectants, alcohol, 核酸除染剤, or UV light.
  • A negative result does not necessarily mean the host is not infected with the virus. Poor sample quality, low virus load, or the presence of strong inhibitory substances (such as alcohol, disinfectants, 抗凝固剤, 等) may result in unsuccessful nucleic acid extraction (detection) そして “ネガティブ” result. Follow the result interpretation criteria, and when there are suspicious results, first exclude aerosol contamination. If there are other questions, contact the manufacturer’s technical personnel.
  • This product is for one-time use only. The components in the reagent are sensitive to natural light; avoid light exposure during packaging and storage. After packaging, do not repeatedly freeze-thaw. For scientific research use only; not for clinical diagnosis or other purposes.



重さ0.65 kg

24T, 48T


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