Rapid cDNA 첫 번째 가닥 합성 키트 25T


배송비(USD) 45 - USD 이상 무료 300

DTE는 분자 테스트 온라인 판매를 전문으로 하는 중국 기반의 전자상거래 플랫폼입니다., 엘리사, 및 관련 제품.

  • 제조업체: 중국 대표 브랜드
  • 배송: 공장에서 직접 FedEx 신속 배송
  • 이내에 반품 또는 교환이 가능합니다. 30 날
  • 결제 방법: 안전한 PayPal 또는 신용카드.



  • Genomic DNA Reverse Transcription Kit:
    • Available in M-MLV (RNase H-) Reverse Transcriptase.
    • New reverse transcriptase obtained through multiple point mutations, greatly improving thermal stability and cDNA synthesis efficiency.
    • Suitable for two-step RT-qPCR detection.
  • RNA Template Preparation:
    • Use 4xgDNA Clear Short-term treatment with Mix to completely remove residual genomic DNA contamination from RNA templates.
    • Ensures subsequent quantitative results are more reliable and simplifies qPCR primer design.
  • Reverse Transcription Process:
    • Join 5xqRT directly Reverse Mix for immediate reverse transcription.
    • 5xqRT Reverse Mix contains all components required for reverse transcription (완충기, dNTP Mix, Hiscript Reverse Transcriptase, RNase inhibitor, Random primers/Oligo dT primer mix).
    • 4xgDNA Clear Mix terminates gDNA while preserving cDNA integrity.
    • RNA template volume can be added up to 60% of the total reaction volume, suitable for low-concentration RNA templates.
    • Both 4xgDNA Clear Mix and 5xqRT Reverse Mix are stable at -20°C for easy storage and use.
  • Optimization for qPCR:
    • Specially optimized for qPCR with optimized random primers/Oligo dT primer mix ratio.
    • Allows cDNA synthesis initiation from various regions of RNA transcripts, maximizing qPCR result reproducibility.
    • Compatible with SYBR Green and probe method qPCR, allowing selection based on experimental needs.
    • Reagents can be used together with SYBR Green Master Mix for high-performance gene expression analysis.

Pre-experiment preparation and important precautions:

  • RNase free of 1 . 5 ml microcentrifuge tube or 0.2 밀리리터 PCR tube
  • Water bath or PCR 기계
  • Ice
  • RNA: High-quality intact RNA is crucial to obtain high-quality cDNA, please use electrophoresis to verify the integrity of RNA.

추가 정보

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