RNase 솔루션


배송비(USD) 45 - USD 이상 무료 300

RNase-free DNase I kit with digestion buffer

DTE는 분자 테스트 온라인 판매를 전문으로 하는 중국 기반의 전자상거래 플랫폼입니다., 엘리사, 및 관련 제품.

  • 제조업체: 중국 대표 브랜드
  • 배송: 공장에서 직접 FedEx 신속 배송
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RNase A is an endoribonuclease that specifically degrades single-stranded RNA at C and U residues. It cleaves the phosphodiester bond between the 5′-ribose of a nucleotide and the phosphategroup attached to the 3′-인접한 피리미딘 뉴클레오티드의 리보스. The resulting 2′,3′-cyclic phosphate is hydrolyzed to the corresponding 3′-뉴클레오시드 인산염. The highest activity is exhibited with single-stranded RNA. RNase A is a single chain polypeptide containing 4 이황화물 다리.

A major application for RNase A is the removal of RNA from preparations of 플라스미드 DNA. The enzyme is active under a wide range of reaction conditions. 낮은 염분 농도에서 (0 에게 100 mM NaCl), RNase A cleaves single-stranded and double-stranded RNA as well as the RNA strand in RNA-DNA hybrids. 하지만, at NaCl concentrations of 0.3 M or higher, RNase A specifically cleaves single-stranded RNA.



청정≥60% RNase A basis (SDS-페이지)
Enzymatic activity>50 쿠니츠 단위/mg 단백질
Optimum reaction temperature60℃ (effective active temperature is 15-70°C)
Transportation conditionsNormal temperature transportation
보존 조건-20-8℃, dry storage, long-term storage should be placed at -20°C.
애플리케이션 1: adding in the extraction process1. Plasmid Extraction: add RNase A (25mg/ml) to buffer P1 with a final concentration of 100-300μg/ml.

2. DNA 추출: add RNase A (25mg/ml) to the digestion solution with a final concentration is 100-400μg/ml, mix well and place at room temperature for 10-15 분. when SDS/CTAB in lysate exceeds 2%, RNase activity will be significantly inhibited; Guanidine salt(>4M guanidine hydrochloride or >3M guanidine isothiocyanate) also significantly inhibited RNase A. When RNase A is added to the lysate, the RNase digestion effect can be extracted by appropriately diluting to reduce the concentration of SDS, CTAB and guanidine salt.

애플리케이션 2:1. Remove RNA contamination from crude genomic DNA products: add DNase free RNase A (10mg/ml) to crude DNA products with a final concentration of 10-100μg/ml. After mixing, place at room temperature for 10 분.

2. Remove RNA contamination from plasmid DNA products: add DNase free RNase A (10mg/ml) to crude DNA products with a final concentration of 10μg/ml. After mixing, it can be directly used for sequencing at room temperature for 10 분.


RNase A Solution (25mg/ml)10 밀리리터100 밀리리터
DNase Free RNase A Solution (10mg/ml)10 밀리리터100 밀리리터

추가 정보

무게0.75 킬로그램

RNase Solution10 ml, RNase Solution100 ml, DNase Free RNase Solution10 ml, DNase Free RNase Solution 100 밀리리터

상품평 (0)


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