Solarbio Pepsase 활성 분석 키트


배송비(USD) 45 - USD 이상 무료 300

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  • 제조업체: 중국 대표 브랜드
  • 배송: 공장에서 직접 FedEx 신속 배송
  • 이내에 반품 또는 교환이 가능합니다. 30 날
  • 결제 방법: 안전한 PayPal 또는 신용카드.



유효기간6 개월
영어 이름Pepsase Activity Assay Kit
Detection MethodSpectrophotometer/Microplate Reader

Product Composition

시약 이름사양Storage Condition
추출 용액액체 50 밀리리터×1병4℃에서 보관
시약 1Powder×1 bottle4℃에서 보관
시약 2액체 15 밀리리터×1병4℃에서 보관
시약 3Powder×1 bottle4℃에서 보관

Instructions for preparing the solutions:

  1. Solution One: 추가하다 10 mL of Reagent Two before use and dissolve completely.
  2. Solution Three: 추가하다 10 mL of distilled water before use and dissolve completely.

제품 설명:

  • Pepsin is secreted by the chief cells of the gastric mucosa and hydrolyzes proteins in food into small peptides. It is commonly used for the identification of hypochlorhydria, and reduced secretion of pepsin may also occur in conditions such as chronic gastritis, chronic gastric dilation, and chronic duodenitis.
  • Pepsin catalyzes the hydrolysis of hemoglobin, and the hydrolysis product tyrosine exhibits a characteristic absorption peak at 275nm. Enzyme activity is calculated by measuring the changes in absorbance.

Instruments and supplies required:

  • UV spectrophotometer/enzyme marker
  • Benchtop centrifuge
  • Water bath
  • 조정 가능한 피펫
  • Micro quartz cuvette/96-well UV plate
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Ice
  • 증류수

메모: It is recommended to perform a pilot experiment with 2-3 samples showing significant expected differences before conducting the actual experiment. If the absorbance values of the samples are not within the measurement range, dilution or increasing the sample volume for detection is recommended.

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