MagPure DNA Micro Kit 200 preps IVD3101


Shipping USD 45 - Free over USD 300

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  • Extracts DNA from various sources: tissue, cells, blood, saliva, swabs, blood spots, semen, and other clinical samples.
  • Fast and easy to use.
  • Purified DNA can be used for PCR, qPCR, Southern Blot, viral DNA testing, and more.


Main FunctionsIsolation of total DNA from 1-100ul blood, FFPE, tissue, and other samples
ApplicationsSecond-generation sequencing, PCR, real-time PCR, etc.
Purification methodMonodisperse magnetic beads
Purification technologyMagnetic beads technology
Process methodManual or automatic
Sample typeAnticoagulant blood, concentrated blood, buffy coat, lymphocytes, and cultured cells
Sample amountBody fluid : 10 – 200μl, Tissue : ≤10mg
Yield10ng – 15μg
Elution volume80 -100μl
Time per run


  1. Utilizes high-binding magnetic particles for purification, ensuring efficient DNA isolation.
  2. The sample undergoes lysis and digestion facilitated by lysate and Protease, releasing DNA into the solution.
  3. Magnetic particles and binding solution are introduced, causing DNA to adhere to particle surfaces while impurities such as proteins are left unbound.
  4. Wash with a specialized solution to remove proteins and impurities, followed by ethanol wash to eliminate salts.
  5. DNA is ultimately eluted using an Elution Buffer, providing purified DNA ready for downstream applications.


  1. High binding capability – ideal for processing DNA-rich samples like whole blood, buffy coat, and concentrated blood.
  2. Exceptional purity – features carboxyl magnetic beads with minimal surface adsorption, ensuring superior purity.
  3. Versatile – applicable across a wide range of clinical samples, offering general utility.

Kit Contents

Purification Times200
MagBind Particles4.5 ml
Proteinase K90 mg
Protease Dissolve Buffer10 ml
Buffer ATL60 ml
Buffer AL60 ml
Buffer BD*20 ml
Buffer BXW1*110 ml
Elution Buffer30 ml

Storage and Stability

  1. Proteinase K and MagBind Particles should be stored at 2–8°C upon receipt.
  2. Short-term storage (up to 18 weeks) at room temperature (15–25°C) does not compromise their performance.
  3. The remaining components can be stored dry at room temperature (15–25°C) and remain stable for at least 18 months under these conditions.

Additional information

Weight0.7 kg


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