Kunpeng Gene ARCHIMED 384 PCR儀

運費美元 45 - 超過美元免費 300

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The Archimed 384 is a revolutionary real-time quantitative 聚合酶鍊式反應 (定量PCR) instrument developed by Kunpeng Gene. It represents a culmination of advancements in qPCR technology, offering researchers unparalleled performance and ease of use.

Key Features:

  • World’s First Time-Resolved Technology: 阿基米德 384 utilizes groundbreaking time-resolved signal acquisition for enhanced sensitivity and accurate detection of minute target quantities.
  • Advanced Optical Path System: A novel Fresnel lens-based design optimizes light pathways, leading to superior detection efficiency.
  • Precise Temperature Control: Innovative temperature control technology ensures exceptional accuracy and uniformity across the entire sample plate, crucial for consistent and reliable results.
  • Streamlined Operation: The user-friendly interface and intuitive workflow simplify operation, minimizing training time and maximizing lab efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Analysis Capabilities: 阿基米德 384 offers a robust suite of analysis functions, empowering researchers to delve deeper into their data.
  • International Quality Standards: Crafted with a global perspective on design and manufacturing, 阿基米德 384 delivers exceptional quality and durability.


  • Highly Sensitive Detection: Enables researchers to detect even the lowest levels of target molecules with confidence.
  • Reliable and Reproducible Results: Precise temperature control and advanced technologies ensure consistent and reliable data generation.
  • Simplified Workflow: Intuitive operation saves valuable time and reduces the risk of errors.
  • Enhanced Data Analysis: Comprehensive analysis tools provide a deeper understanding of experimental results.
  • Durable and Dependable: Built with high-quality materials and components for long-lasting performance.

The Archimed 384 stands as a testament to Kunpeng Gene’s commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of molecular biology research. It empowers researchers with a powerful tool for gene expression analysis, pathogen detection, and a wide range of other applications.




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