HiPure 組織&血液 DNA Maxi 柱套件


運費美元 45 - 超過美元免費 300

DTE是一家專門從事分子檢測線上銷售的中國電子商務平台, 酵素連結免疫吸附試驗, 及相關產品.

  • 製造商: 中國領導品牌
  • 船運: 直接從工廠加急聯邦快遞發貨
  • 符合退貨或換貨條件 30 天
  • 支付方式: 安全的 PayPal 或信用卡.


  • Challenges in DNA Extraction from Blood Samples:
    1. High Infectious Risk: Blood samples pose a significant infectious hazard to operators and the environment.
    2. Complex DNA Source: Blood DNA contains various types such as mitochondrial, genomic, and circulating DNA, leading to potential loss during extraction.
    3. Presence of Impurities: Blood samples contain impurities and inhibitory factors that can interfere with DNA extraction and downstream applications.
  • Existing Extraction Methods:
    • Phenol-chloroform extraction, salting out, ETC.
    • These methods typically involve pre-treatment steps to remove red blood cells and isolate white blood cells, which may result in loss of nucleic acid information.
  • Product Benefits:
    • Fast and Easy Purification: Provides a rapid and straightforward method for total DNA純化.
    • Suitability: Purifies total DNA (genomic, viral, mitochondrial) from whole blood, 組織, 和培養細胞.
    • 應用: Ensures reliable DNA for 聚合酶鍊式反應 and Southern blotting assays.


主要功能Isolation of total DNA from 10ml blood and 1g tissue using Maxi column
應用領域聚合酶鍊式反應, 南方螺栓和病毒檢測, ETC
純化方法Maxi 旋轉柱
工藝方法手動的 (離心或真空)
樣品類型組織, 細胞, 血, 唾液, 拭子, 血點, 精液, 和其他臨床樣本
每次運行時間≤90 minutes


  1. Cell Breakdown: Your sample is lysed (broken open) and digested with enzymes to release DNA into solution.
  2. Capture: The mixture is passed through a silica column. DNA sticks to the silica membrane, while proteins and other impurities don’t.
  3. Washing Away Impurities: The column is washed to remove any remaining proteins and other unwanted molecules.
  4. DNA Release: Pure DNA is eluted (washed off) the silica membrane with a special buffer solution. This purified DNA is then ready for further analysis.


  • High-quality DNAmeets a variety of downstream applications, 包括PCR, 定量PCR, 酵素消化, 雜交, ETC.
  • 快速地 – without separation of leukocytes, 有機萃取, 或乙醇沉澱
  • Simpleall nucleic acids can be obtained by direct digestion
  • Pertinencespecially designed for isolating DNA from 3-10ml blood and related body fluids
  • Wide applicabilityhandle a variety of liquid samples
  • Economyexcellent cost-effectiveness performance


Contents1010 準備工作50 perps
HiPure gDNA Maxi Columns1050
緩衝區ATL120 毫升550 毫升
緩衝液AL120 毫升2 X 300 毫升
Buffer GW1*53 毫升220 毫升
Buffer GW2*25 毫升110 毫升
核糖核酸酶A40 毫克180 毫升
蛋白酶K120 毫克540 毫克
蛋白酶溶解緩衝液12 毫升50 毫升
Buffer AE30 毫升120 毫升


Storage Recommendations:

  • Proteinase K and RNase A: 抵達時, 儲存於2-8°C. 短期儲存 (取決於 12 週) 在室溫下 (15-25℃) 在不影響性能的情況下可以接受.
  • 其餘套件組件: Can be stored at room temperature (15-25℃) and remain stable for at least 18 在這些條件下幾個月.

Purchase Guide

姓名CAT NO樣品量Leukocyte protocol*Colum type洗脫體積Average yield每次運行時間
HiPure 血液 DNA 迷你試劑盒D311110-200微升1毫升2ml column≥20μl5-9μg/200μl≤30 minutes
HiPure 組織&血液 DNA 中型套件D31130.2-2毫升10毫升1.5ml column≥300μl20-40μg/1m≤80 minutes
HiPure 組織&血液 DNA 馬克西套件D31153 -10毫升10毫升15ml column≥700μl20-40μg/1m≤90 minutes
HiPure 組織&血液DNA 96 成套工具D31171-200微升1毫升96 孔板3-8μg/200μl


重量0.7 公斤

HiPure 組織&血液 DNA 馬克西套件 10 準備工作, HiPure 組織&血液 DNA 馬克西套件 50 準備工作


