三世生物 DNA 標記 (DL1000)


運費美元 45 - 超過美元免費 300

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  • 製造商: 中國領導品牌
  • 船運: 直接從工廠加急聯邦快遞發貨
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DNA標記 (DL1000)

編號DA005 規格500微升 貯存:-20℃,Store at 4°C after opening or melting


DL1000 DNA Marker is a DNA solution containing 1× Loading Buffer, which allows for direct electrophoresis with the convenience of using 5μL. DL1000 DNA Marker consists of seven DNA fragments with sizes of 1000bp, 700BP, 500BP, 400BP, 300BP, 200BP, and 100bp, totaling 7 bands. When 5μL is used for electrophoresis, each band contains approximately 50ng of DNA, with the 400bp DNA fragment showing a bright band at approximately 150ng.


成分DA005(about100T)Storage temperature
DNA標記 (DL1000)500微升-20℃


-20℃ for long-term storage. After opening or melting, store at 4℃ for 1 年. Please use as soon as possible after opening to avoid contamination and repeated freezing and thawing.

Usage precautions:

  • When the width of the sample wells in electrophoresis is less than 6mm, clear bands can be obtained by loading 5μL of the product. If the sample wells are widened, it is necessary to appropriately increase the amount of Marker product used for loading.
  • For DNA electrophoresis, the purity of Agarose significantly affects the clarity of DNA bands. 所以, it is advisable to use high-quality Agarose with a recommended gel concentration of 2%-3%.
  • The concentration of Agarose used in the electrophoresis process is closely related to the separation performance of DNA fragments. Higher Agarose concentrations are more suitable for separating short DNA fragments, while lower Agarose concentrations are more favorable for the separation of long DNA fragments.

Agarose lectrophoresis 中號ap

2% Agarose gel electrophoresis image

DL1000 DNA Marker
DL1000 DNA Marker

3% Agarose gel electrophoresis image

DL1000 DNA Marker
DL1000 DNA Marker

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