Política de privacidad

About the information we collect

We ask for your name, telephone number, home address, email address and age for competitions, prizedraws, or newsletters or personal shopper sign ups. When a purchase is made on our site, in addition to the above, we also ask for delivery address, and payment method details. We may obtain information about your usage of our Website to help us develop and improve it further through online surveys and other requests.

About the data

Your data will enable us, and our processors, to fulfil your order, to notify you about important functionality changes and for statistical or survey purposes to improve this website and our services to you. We may also send you from time to time (by email or post) information about products and services and details of promotions and special offers from Aaron & Martin Finest.

  • All email messages and email newsletters will contain information on how you can unsubscribe; or
  • Send an email to our customer services division on [email protected] writing "unsubscribe" in the subject heading; or
    In assessing your request for goods or services, we may use your information for the purposes of the prevention and detection of fraud.

Privacy of children on our website

Our Website is not intended for use by children under the age of 14, and we will not knowingly collect any information from any person below the age of 14.

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